# 插件容器

关于插件介绍和如何使用插件,可先看官方文档使用插件 (opens new window)插件 API (opens new window)

Vite的插件容器由wmr plugin-container (opens new window)重构而来,并基于rollup的插件接口额外支持一些Vite独有的配置项。Vite在开发阶段基于自己的工作流,构建阶段基于rollup,因此只需要编写一个 Vite 插件,就可以同时为开发环境和生产环境工作。

const container = await createPluginContainer()
const resolved = await container.resolveId()


# pluginContainer

export interface PluginContainer {
  options: InputOptions
  buildStart(options: InputOptions): Promise<void>
  watchChange(id: string, event?: ChangeEvent): void
    id: string,
    importer?: string,
    skip?: Set<Plugin>,
    ssr?: boolean
  ): Promise<PartialResolvedId | null>
    code: string,
    id: string,
    inMap?: SourceDescription['map'],
    ssr?: boolean
  ): Promise<SourceDescription | null>
  load(id: string, ssr?: boolean): Promise<LoadResult | null>
  close(): Promise<void>

我们先看一下pluginContainer的类型,主要提供了resolveId、transform、load、buildStart、watchChange、close这几个方法,其中前面三个方法都是rollup插件自带的hook (opens new window)

# resolveId

rollup插件提供了resolveId Hook,在每个传入模块请求时被调用,它定义了一个自定义的解析器,通常接受sourceimporter两个参数,source一般为import表达式所引用的内容,importer为导入模块的完全解析id,在入口模块为undefined,通过此可以来定义入口的代理模块,具体请见rollup resolveId Hook (opens new window)

pluginContainer中,resolveId主要的逻辑是依次调用每个插件的resolveId hook,细节逻辑通常集中在这些自定义插件中,比如Vite自定义的resolve插件 (opens new window)。 通常会根据请求模块的路径和import表达式的路径解析出模块的实际路径,比如在/Users/admin/Desktop/vite-react-ts/index.html通过/src/main.tsx引用这个模块,那么将解析为/Users/admin/Desktop/vite-react-ts/src/main.tsx

# load

rollup插件提供了load Hook,在每个传入模块请求时被调用,用来读取模块的内容,返回null将会传递给其它load,具体请见rollup load Hook (opens new window)

pluginContainer中,load主要的逻辑是依次调用每个插件的load hook

# transform

rollup插件提供了transform Hook,在每个传入模块请求时被调用,用来转换模块内容,具体请见rollupg transform Hook (opens new window)

pluginContainer中,transform主要的逻辑是依次调用每个插件的transform hook,返回转换后的结果。例如在dev阶段,tsxts等文件会通过transform转换为浏览器兼容的内容返回。

# context

除了提供plugin hook的统一调用能力,还提供了PluginContext,其提供了一些自定义插件可能需要用到的能力比如addWatchFilegetModuleInfowatchFiles,用官方注释来解释就是we should create a new context for each async hook pipeline so that the active plugin in that pipeline can be tracked in a concurrency-safe manner,丰富了插件的能力。

class Context implements PluginContext {
  meta = minimalContext.meta
  ssr = false
  _activePlugin: Plugin | null
  _activeId: string | null = null
  _activeCode: string | null = null
  _resolveSkips?: Set<Plugin>

  constructor(initialPlugin?: Plugin) {
    this._activePlugin = initialPlugin || null

  parse(code: string, opts: any = {}) {
    return parser.parse(code, {
      sourceType: 'module',
      ecmaVersion: 2020,
      locations: true,

  async resolve(
    id: string,
    importer?: string,
    options?: { skipSelf?: boolean }
  ) {
    let skips: Set<Plugin> | undefined
    if (options?.skipSelf && this._activePlugin) {
      skips = new Set(this._resolveSkips)
    let out = await container.resolveId(id, importer, skips, this.ssr)
    if (typeof out === 'string') out = { id: out }
    return out as ResolvedId | null

  getModuleInfo(id: string) {
    let mod = MODULES.get(id)
    if (mod) return mod.info
    mod = {
      /** @type {import('rollup').ModuleInfo} */
      // @ts-ignore-next
      info: {}
    MODULES.set(id, mod)
    return mod.info

  getModuleIds() {
    return MODULES.keys()

  addWatchFile(id: string) {
    if (watcher) ensureWatchedFile(watcher, id, root)

  getWatchFiles() {
    return [...watchFiles]

  emitFile(assetOrFile: EmittedFile) {
    warnIncompatibleMethod(`emitFile`, this._activePlugin!.name)
    return ''

  setAssetSource() {
    warnIncompatibleMethod(`setAssetSource`, this._activePlugin!.name)

  getFileName() {
    warnIncompatibleMethod(`getFileName`, this._activePlugin!.name)
    return ''

    e: string | RollupError,
    position?: number | { column: number; line: number }
  ) {
    const err = formatError(e, position, this)
    const msg = buildErrorMessage(
      [chalk.yellow(`warning: ${err.message}`)],
    logger.warn(msg, {
      clear: true,
      timestamp: true

    e: string | RollupError,
    position?: number | { column: number; line: number }
  ): never {
const ctx = new Context()
for (const plugin of plugins) {
  if (!plugin.load) continue
  ctx._activePlugin = plugin
  const result = await plugin.load.call(ctx as any, id, ssr)


# 总结


